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SAMYAK vision and objectives are greatly influenced by feminist theories and practices. SAMYAK’s worldview is necessarily drawn from the feminist learning.


Promotion of gender equitable, violence free society and safeguarding human rights of all individuals to lead a fearless and meaningful life.


  • To reach out to rural and urban communities, political and social groups, media, corporate and civil society groups, government and non-government organizations and institutions, judicial and law enforcing machineries, trade unions and peoples’ organizations, various social justice movements and society at large with the issues of gender, masculinities, health and development with the spirit of pro-people social and political activism.
  • To initiate and/or participate, contribute, support and strengthen social justice movements and campaigns promoting global human rights, especially of women and children and also of various groups marginalized on the basis of caste, class, culture, power and sexual preferences.
  • To promote, support and strengthen local initiatives on gender equity, masculinities, health and development and link those with the regional and global networks and alliances.
  • To establish, demonstrate and promote gender equitable, power-sensitive and democratic-in-true-sense operational mechanisms within organizations